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Increasing number of students gravitating towards self-employment, survey finds

We like to keep our ear to the ground here at Kingsbridge. We’ve been vocal in the past about the…


Government announces consultation around private sector IR35 reform

With a certain sense of inevitability, on 18th May, the government announced their intention to carry out a consultation on…


Universal Credit system does not support the self-employed, report confirms

A committee of MPs have poured scorn upon Universal Credit rules which they say risk crushing the self-employed and start-ups.…

Contracting Life

Productivity hacks for contractors and freelancers

When you only have to answer to yourself, it’s easy to slip into an unproductive rut. Some days, Homes Under…

Contractor Guides

How have IR35 reforms affected contracting?

It’s been almost a year since the UK government’s controversial reforms to IR35 in the public sector and, with rumours…

Contractor Guides

Top tips for organising your home office

As a contractor or freelancer, particularly if you’re a freelancer, you’ll spend a fair amount of time working from your…


How has the Gig Economy Changed the Working World?

There have been few economic debates in recent years as fevered and corybantic as the one surrounding the status of…


The Inexorable Growth of Self-Employment in the UK

Uncertainty in and around the UK economy has been brewing for some time now. Whether it’s the looming prospect of…

Contractor Guides

GDPR: What does it Mean for Contractors?

Cyber-attacks have become more prevalent than ever in the last 12 months. A recent report from the National Cyber Security…


BBC Caught up in IR35 Fiasco

All the hand-wringing and toing-and-froing about IR35 reform has taken a darker turn in recent days with the revelation that…

Contractor Guides

Practical tips for contractors and freelancers preparing for the end of the tax year

We know it doesn’t seem like much time has passed between the end of the last tax year and the…

Contractor Guides

It`s time to get that Self-Assessment in!

It’s a job nobody wants to tackle, but if you’re a contractor who submits your Self-Assessment online, then the deadline…

Contracting Life

Have you got what it takes to be self-employed?

Working for yourself can be empowering. You’re in charge of everything to do with your career – it’s an exciting…

Contractor Guides

How to enjoy time off at Christmas as a contractor or freelancer

The freelance sector is booming. As of January this year, according to the Professional Contractors Group, in the UK alone…

Contractor Guides

7 must-have gifts for the freelancer in your life

What do you get someone who works for themselves? If you’re looking for a gift that offers productivity or practicality…

Contractor Guides

Making the Transition - Moving from Permanent to Contracting

Making the switch from a secure, permanent position to the world of contracting is a big step, and one that…

Contractor Guides

Enhance your profitability as a freelancer with these 4 tips

We’ve put together these four tips to help you increase your profitability as a freelancer. Read on! Build a digital…

Contractor Guides

Hidden costs you`ll need to consider as a freelancer

If you’re considering becoming a freelancer, regardless of the industry, there’s likely to be some hidden costs you might not…


Awards Season

Although it might feel like it’s here already, it doesn’t officially become autumn until 22nd September. For us, it’s a time of…

Contractor Guides

4 must-know tips from seasoned freelancers

If you’re new to freelancing or contracting and you’re after some advice from seasoned professionals then today’s your lucky day! We…

Contractor Guides

4 things no one tells you about becoming a freelancer

Thinking of taking your career into your own hands? If you’re toying with the idea of becoming a contractor or…

Contractor Guides

Increase in Cyber Attacks Continues

We’ve spoken about the prevalence of cyber attacks on these pages before. As we become ever more reliant on digital…


Kingsbridge Launch New Cyber Product for Insurance Industry as Number of Cyber Attacks Increases

Three quarters of UK SME’s have suffered security breaches in the last 12 months. Kingsbridge, the contractor insurance specialist, has…

Contractor Guides

5 Tax Planning Tips for Contractors and Freelancers

As a contractor or freelancer, just hearing the word tax can fill you with panic – but there’s really nothing…

Contracting Life

How to Successfully Manage your Time as a Contractor

Time management is a skill you’ll continue to develop as your contracting career progresses. As soon as you think you’ve…

Contracting Life

Beat the Insurance Premium Tax Increase!

Regular readers of the Kingsbridge blog will already be aware that Insurance Premium Tax is rising to 12% from 1st June…

Contracting Life

Four of the Most Common Mistakes Made by First Time Contractors

Becoming a first-time contractor is exciting. A new venture, a chance to make your own money, and to set your…


Kingsbridge Hand Heavy Defeat to 1st Option in Local Derby

It’s not often that a serene weekday evening at the end of March produces a football match for the ages.…

Contracting Life

Contractors, freelancers and the Bank Holiday season

If you had a normal nine-to-five, you’d be joyously gearing up now for the spring Bank Holiday season. Easter is…


Kingsbridge Expansion Continues

We all grow up (eventually). There comes a time when we have to move on to bigger and better things.…